Monday, August 28, 2006

West Nile Virus

I know the headline sounds like a huge joke, but as I write this my grandmother is being admitted to the hospital because they believe she has West Nile Virus. I remember the first time I heard about this thinking that it sounded like a joke, like Anthrax, bird flu etc...Jeff and I even made jokes when we felt bad that maybe we had West Nile!! I feel terrible about the jokes now that it is a possibility that my sweet grandmother may have it. All West Nile jokes aside I would covet any and all prayers for Gaga (thats what we call her)! I know that God can do anything and I am asking right now that he does to heal her!!

P.S. On a less Debbie Downer note today is Jeff's 29th birthday and for anyone around us a lot know that he is way more extravagant and thoughtful in the gifts he gives me and I was finally able to get him back. I surprised him yesterday by telling him he was leaving today to go to Mexico to see his brother. Needless to say he is sooooo excited. So I am a single lady this week!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

Natalie- So sorry to hear about your "Gaga" I hope she is ok. Keep us updated... I will never make another west nile joke again!

OH MY GOODNESS, Natalie. What an awesome birthday gift- so incredibly thoughtful. I am just glad that Ricky's 29th does not roll around until March...maybe he will forget about this by then. When he got home last night he told me how cool it was that you surprised Jeff. He would love to go see his sister in El Salvador.

What a sweet and selfless wife you are!

Sorry I missed lunch with you guys...we'll do it again soon. I am off on Mon and Tues now.

7:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I hope your grandmother is feeling tons better! I will be praying for her. Please keep us updated on her status.

Happy Birthday to Jeff!

9:31 PM  

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