Monday, August 10, 2009

Showered with Love

SO I am terrible about updating my blog. I hope to be better once Hudson is born....I am 32 weeks pregnant and only have between 6-7 weeks left of being pregnant. I cannot wait to have my sweet baby boy and not be pregnant in August and September, but truthfully there is a part of me that will miss the feeling of being pregnant. Feeling your baby move and grow is one of the coolest feelings I have ever felt!! I love when I lay down in bed at the end of the day and know that is when he will start moving and grooving!

July 12th I was given a baby shower by some of our close friends the Barrows and was blessed to see so many people that I have not seen in years and in return be blessed with an incredible amount of gifts. Needless to say Hudson is not lacking for clothing!

July 26th Jeff and I were given a great shower by our church family and again were overwhelmed by the amount of people and gifts. It is a very humbling experience to be loved and given so much by our friends and family!

We are so excited for the next few weeks and it is amazing how God works out the details! My job situation worked out amazingly well, I have felt great and the timing of God giving Jeff over a month to rest up from a CRAZY summer is incredible.
Well I hope to be better about updating....Until next time I will continue to grow a baby...haha in this hot oven called Texas Heat!!


Blogger The Collinsworth's said...

You are truely blessed! So much stuff! Congrats! Can't wait to see pics!! Good luck soon!

12:33 PM  

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